The Undeniably Fierce Crew: Three Strategies to Ensure You’re Surrounded by Boss Women Who are Committed to Your Success!

You attract who you are. 


Unfortunately for some women, that concept is really hard to accept. It’s just so much easier to blame external circumstances for your not knowing “the right people,” “getting the right opportunities,” or “being overlooked altogether.”

Think about how many times you have heard women say, “you can’t trust women because they are jealous, conniving, have ulterior motives or are back-stabbing?” 

Is that your reality

While it is true that many of us have had negative experiences with other women in the past, it is virtually impossible for your experiences with other women to be consistently negative if you are coming from the “right place and space” internally.   

Why? Relationships simply mirror who you are. 

The reality is, you won’t attract a power posse of women dedicated to your advancement, growth and success by being someone who is jealous, selfish and always “trying to identify an alternative motive.” 

Too often, women who aren’t surrounded by supportive women or who have never experienced the power of having “ride or die,” chicks on speed-dial, willing to walk through the fire for them, don’t “get it.” They don’t understand the significance of having someone who can remind them who they are, when they find themselves both personally and professionally in less than desirable circumstances or someone who actively seeks out opportunities to connect them with the right people and sing their praises to anyone who will listen. 

The value is immeasurable to both your personal and professional advancement. 

Remember last year when Madeline Albright was forced to apologize for her comment, “there is a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other?” Well, the context in which she made the statement may have offended some (admonishing women who didn’t support Hillary Clinton in her bid for President), the sentiment behind that statement couldn’t have been more “on point.”   

Women must support other women. Truly, that is the only way we are going to continue to shatter the glass class ceiling. But, beyond reaching the corner offices of corporate, non-profit and government, there is an even more profound reason. Having the right women in your corner, can absolutely cut down on the time it takes for you to step into your Fiercest Self—you’re no longer flying solo without a parachute.

An Undeniable Fierce Crew will: 

  • Hold you accountable

  • Support you

  • Challenge you

  • Cheer for you

  • Cry with you

  • Expand your vision and perspective

  • Admonish you when necessary

  • Help you elevate your requirements

If you already have your power posse in place, congratulations! Leverage them, support them, love up on them and count yourself blessed because with the right people in your corner, you are Unstoppable. 

Just ask, Oprah. 

However, if you don’t. You are in the right place because I am about to share three things you can do right now to turn that situation around.


Jennifer Ransaw Smith is a nationally recognized  Personal Elevation™ Architect, Leadership Development Mentor and Personal Brand Strategist. She specializes in igniting the visibility, credibility, and profitability of professional women. If you are interested in joining her tribe of “Undeniably Fierce,” women from across the globe or learning how to Boost Your Status, sign up for her FREE Master Class at